Consultation feedback

Thank you for taking the time to share your views, which we are carefully considering as we finalise the proposals. Below, we also answer the most frequently asked questions.

What amount and type of affordable homes are proposed and how affordable with they be?

SHDC declared a Housing Crisis last September. This proposed scheme of 45 dwellings will contribute to the solution:

  • 30% (14) units will be offered as ‘Affordable Homes’ – a Government classification with several categories which may be associated with sub-market value rents, shared ownership or supported purchase schemes. The affordable housing categories offered through this scheme would be determined by SDHC and managed by its registered providers in accordance with the Council’s Housing Policy*
  • A further number of units will be retained by the Trust for rent at a below-market rate to local key workers and Estate staff.

*The affordable housing process is designed to prioritise housing for local residents and workers. Interested people should list with Devon Home Choice, and register with the local HomeBuy Agent, Help to Buy South. You can find more information on SHDC’s website here.

What is the likely traffic impact of the development?

A Traffic Survey and Transport Assessment have been undertaken and will be submitted as part of the planning application. This forecasts that the A385 Ashburton Road/Dartington Lane junction will operate well within capacity, with negligible queuing.

Access design principles have been discussed with the Local Highway Authority (Devon County Council), and they will also be consulted through SHDC’s formal planning process after the planning application has been submitted.

Our traffic modelling does not presume a ‘modal shift’ to non-car travel, but this progressive scheme has been designed to encourage reduced reliance on private car ownership locally. As well as the sites having excellent foot, cycle, bus and rail links, the Trust is encouraged by public support for the idea of introducing an electric car/bike share club to Dartington and will continue working with a local provider on additional proposals to introduce multiple hubs on the Estate.

What ecological measures have been taken?

The proposals have been informed by an Ecology Report, associated species surveys and feedback from stakeholders. The Trust is committed to protecting and advancing biodiversity on the Estate and for this scheme proposes various mitigation and enhancement measures, including:

  • Creation of Dark Corridors and woodland buffers to protect and enhance the commute paths of horseshoe and other bats in the area
  • Sensitive lighting design to maintain dark conditions along the majority of the site boundary
  • Retention and protection of existing mature trees, establishment of Root Protection Zones, and additional development-free zones to encourage wild vegetation growth
  • On-site habitat creation including the planting of pollinator-friendly wildflower grassland and native tree and hedge/shrubs and the incorporation of bird and bat bricks/boxes into the dwellings and storage facilities
  • Green roofs and pergolas for all units
  • Creation of community ‘edible gardens’ (including orchard)
  • Off-site habitat creation on the Estate . There will be 1.5ha of native woodland planting in collaboration with the Woodland Trust.

What is proposed in terms of community space? Will there be opportunities for food growing?

This scheme is intended to nurture a ‘spirit of community’, following the design principles of the globally renowned Richard Rogers who founded the architectural practice appointed for this development. In addition to the pedestrianised mews which form the ‘social heart’ of the main development, and the semi-private garden design, there are a number of proposed community areas, including:

  • Nature trails
  • Green areas with seating
  • Community orchard

In addition, responding to feedback, the Trust proposes to offer occupants dedicated allotments on the Estate.

How will the development meet sustainability objectives?

The progressive development is proposed to incorporate a range of sustainable design elements including:

  • Pioneering precision-engineering, and off-site fabrication and assembly. This approach offers numerous benefits over traditional construction methods including: significantly reduced running costs for residents; an estimated 95% reduction in disruption, noise and dust; minimised construction waste throughout the supply chain
  • Inclusion of solar photovoltaics to generate on-site renewable energy, which will be directed to a Community Grid for the benefit of residents of the development
  • Use of materials with low levels of embedded carbon
  • Positioning of units and windows to optimise natural light, and clustering of buildings to reduce the external envelope and associated thermal loss
  • Use of mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems to provide fresh, pre-warmed, filtered air on typical days and purge heat on hot days
  • Inclusion of green roofs to support biodiversity.

How will the proposals provide security and safety for residents?

Careful consideration has been given to residents’ security.

There will be adequate physical protection in the form of an attractive, 1.8m high/1m wide double-staggered boundary hedge with a stock-proof fence at its core, which will both protect residents and views of the development from the nearby foot/cycle paths. We are committed to a bat-friendly lighting scheme but there will, of course, be LED downlights above every doorway and internal lighting in the cycle and refuse storage areas.

It is proposed that vegetation throughout the scheme will be <1m-high when mature, and trees will have no foliage, shoots, branches below 2m.

Additional pedestrian safety is provided by gates which will semi-enclose the mews of the western development (Lane End West), providing access only for service and emergency vehicles.

What storage is proposed as part of the development?

In addition to providing secure storage for one bike per resident, in response to feedback we further propose a secure residents’ store for large-scale objects such as paddleboards.

When will the planning application be submitted?

There will be two planning applications, one for Lane End East, one for Lane End West. We are currently targeting simultaneous submission in March 2022.

When will construction commence?

If planning is consented this year, we anticipate commencing construction on site in Spring 2023. As mentioned above, the proposed pre-fabrication method of construction would mean that 95% of the building works will occur off site.